
Are there any Labour supporters online tonight?

by Guest33523  |  earlier

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Could you please tell me why you support Labour? I'm curious to know how the other half thinks.




  1. i would like to know why too. but as haroumba says, hes gone to the pub

  2. new labour are deluded, there are Labour supporters - shame they do not have a party to vote for.

    new labour have disenfranchised 99.5% of the electorate of 97.

    What are they aiming for? Poverty for all?

  3. There are plenty of Labour supporters,,but not many New Labour ones,John Smith was the last of the line,

  4. Is that cos the other half does indeed think you t**t? Any way, theres absolutley no difference between labour and the toffs. Politics as we knew it is dead....stop trying to imitate your daddy and start thinking for yourself.  

  5. OK!I will be honest!I will own up!I was a former Labour voter for nearly 50years!Not now! Am I forgiven?

  6. How sad that people do not have the courage of their convictions any more. In my mind being a Labour supporter or a Tory supporter means to me more than what the current Labour or Tory party policies are. I have for as long as I can remember voted for the ideals that Labour stand for and have up until recently have worked for. I believe the true Tory supporter will feel the same about their party. Just because the current Labour party are pursuing policies that are quite irrational, does not mean that the true supporter deserts their beliefs or withdraws their support. I support the ideology as well as the party, and I cannot abandon my ideals when things are looking bleak. It is the same as supporting football teams I suppose, you support them through good times and also hard times, and the ones that walk away when things are not good are fair weather supporters and which ever party we are talking about are better off without these types of supporters.

  7. I used to be 'till the devil spawned this shower of s**t.

  8. No they are all off in la la land

  9. No. Only cretins vote Labour. And the devious amongst them try to suggest that New Labour have adopted Tory policies. What tosh.

  10. No, he's gone down the pub

  11. Of course there are.Misguided,brainwashed idiots abound all around us.Like vermin they are.Squeezing their pus all over,infecting our society with their commie,leftist beliefs.Bring back the death penalty,charge them with treason.They have destroyed Great Britain but their ideologies have clouded their minds.They have forgotten that we are the British people and not Russian peasants or Chinese farmers.They have been oh so clever,slowly tightening their grip and forcing their ideology onto us and our schools,manipulating en masse. We,due to our wonderful natures,gave it all a chance but now we see it for what it is and now we will rid ourselves of it.Lance the boils! Disinfect the pus! Deep clean our minds and once again become the wonderful people that we are.They can keep their ideals.We have done well enough without them for thousands of years.

  12. 21 answers and counting and only one supporting Labour - and then only half-heartedly. I think we could be seeing the beginning of the end for the Labour Party - it is bankrupt in every sense of the word.

    The last time I voted Labour was in 1992. Since then I have voted Socialist Labour, Green or Independent (anyone really to the left of New Labour, except for Respect).

    For a long time, I stood on the sidelines of politics, shouting at the telly when Question Time was on, but I have always considered myself left wing. I used to be a supporter of Old Labour, but definitely not New Labour.

    In 2004, after Iraq and with Blair ignoring the 2,000,000 strong march in London, I joined the Socialist Party myself because I believe Labour has completely sold out. To the person who thinks that it is only down to an irrational leadership, I would reply that the Labour Party is past any hope of change. It does not listen to its party conference any more. It does not listen to the trade unions. It does not listen to ordinary people.

    Unfortunately, there is no mass alternative on the left of the Tories, never mind New Labour any longer. This I think, is why people are going over to Cameron or to the far right - simply because there is a political vacuum on the left.

    On the left, we have -

    The Greens - too anarchic, woolly headed and middle class

    Respect - split, wooing Muslims at the expense of other workers, non-democratic, egotistical Galloway at the helm . . .

    Socialist Labour - not democratic, not enough active members

    Socialist Party - democratic, good policies - but not enough of us! (see -

    We need to get more people involved in politics. We need people to stand as candidates from community campaigns and for trade unions to support independent candidates. We need people who are prepared to take the same wage as those they represent, so that they are in touch with the hardship of ordinary people and will stand up for them. We need politicians who cannot be bought off by big business.

    Rant over. I will calm down now and go and have a nice cup of tea.

    See the source below for a movement to build an alternative. Sign the online petition and get others to do so. Hold a meeting. Don't just sit there typing away, get active and do something!

    I really must have that cup of tea . . .

  13. B rob has got it. I was a card-carrying member of the Labour party for many years. After the Iraq invasion I returned it in several pieces.

  14. I think they are both holed up in Downing Street at the minute. I saw scaffolding and barriers outside there, on the News. Hopefully they will soon become extinct.

  15. No but i bet there are a lot of ex Labour supporters

  16. Did you hear the echo,echo,echo.

  17. Don't be, no ones going to admit that! are they!!

  18. Liam - I am interested to know why you vote tory what are their policies. what do they stand for in terms of taxation, spending, fiscsal policy, education, health, defence, immigration etc etc.  I have only heard them putting down labour and not coming up with their own policies.  For the record i am undecided at the moment.  I need more convincing that the tory's will make things better.

  19. How the 'OTHER HALF' thinks..??

    Not even a quarter of the country supports labour any

    None Labour supporter here.

  20. I think all of them say what they think we all want to hear then change their minds when they are in . just my thoughts

  21. There is no Labour Party any more. It was hijacked by Blair, Mandelson & Brown & manipulated into the cult of Blair. The policies are Conservative so we will not notice when the government changes.

    I used to beleive in a better life for all but left politics behind many years ago. Now like many others I mistrust all politicians and vote to get them out not in. Never a political animal but I voted Labour a few times. You have my word..."NEVER AGAIN!"

  22. Tory supporter here

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