
Are there any McCain supporters here willing to admit to 2nd thoughts about Palin?

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I'm not attacking her here, I'm just wondering. Is there a republican or McCain supporter here unhappy with or beginning to 2nd guess choosing Palin for VP?

And would you admit it here if you did have those doubts?(not that I'm saying you're having them).

Please no inflammatory responses. If you are content with the pick, that's fine too.




  1. I am a republican and I was appalled by the decision. Many people say a republican could never vote for someone who is so "left." I understand that our great country has a two party system for a reason, and this time the left is doing it better.

  2. I have no second thoughts at all, Jason.  Palin's family is Christian, but also plain ol' human.  I think they're handling Bristol's situation perfectly.  In fact, what a neat example of anti-abortion.  Good for them.

    Can't wait to vote REPUBLICAN in the election.

  3. They won't admit it though.

  4. they won't admit it.  

    the very sad part, there will be more single family children than ever.  

    then when they decide back alley abortions are very dangerous and wrong.  There won't be a roe v wade - it will be overturned.  

    glad my children are grown.   they learned early about std, hiv and the responsibility of bringing children into the world. they went to a planned parenthood center and they could feel free to discuss their contraception needs with an unbiased counselor.  

  5. supported palin before she was nominated

    supported her when she was

    and i still support her..

    she can't control her daughter's actions..who is getting married..

    nor her husbands...who i'm sure learned from his mistake

    palin is still as she seems and I know I can count on HER to do the right thing.

    if any of you dems anyone is offended by these..then why are you voting for obama when he did cocain? (him not his pastor or somebody he bought a house from)

    dont mean to shoot below the belt..but if your going to be critical of things palin has no control over then i'll do the same to obama..and more so for the things he does have control over.  

  6. Oh no...not at all!  In fact, the EXACT OPPOSITE is true!

    Obviously, no one's perfect. What speaks most loudly about a person's character is not whether or not they ever make mistakes, but rather how they handle those mistakes! The easiest thing in the world for Bristol and the Palin family to have done would've been to abort (kill) her unborn child. I'm sure they knew there would be some ignorant people (like many on this site) who would attack and insult her once the news broke of her pregnancy. They didn't take the easy way out, however. Bristol is taking responsibility for her actions and not punishing an innocent baby for her own mistake. Just like her mother and father's decision to allow baby Trig to be born, even if it might have been more convenient not to do so considering his Downs Syndrome, this speaks very strongly about the type of people the Palin family are. They are not Pro-Life in name only, but live out the conviction that every life is precious and a potential blessing. No one who is considering aborting a child who is special needs or is an unplanned pregnancy can ever say to Gov. Palin "You've never been in this don't know what its like."

    My respect and admiration for Gov. Palin and her family has increased many times over---and I mean that with all my heart! I wish I could tell her that! I heart the Palins!!!

  7. I've got to admit I have had 2nd thoughts. Yep, I was going to be neutral on the VP , but the  more she talks and demonstrates true leadership and character in difficult circumstances. I'm cheering you go girl! I even had second thoughts on McCain. Gotta give him more credit.

  8. No.

    Palin's daughter made a mistake like millions of other american daughters do....The good thing is, she's not aborting the child.

    It's good to know that she's marrying her boyfriend.

  9. I am a Hillary supporter voting McCain this year.

    But you know what?

    The more I see and hear of Palin, the more like the rest of America she seems to be like.

    I had a 16 year pregnent stepdaughter ... whom I supported very strongly.

    Many of us relate very strongly to Palin, and I think putting her in high office gives some needed representation for the average American.

  10. Are you kidding? Conservatives are saying Palin has foreign experience because Alaska borders Russia and Executive experince in a state of 700,000 with a single party in power is better than Obama.  What is jaw dropping is ALL conservatives say the SAME thing at once.

    I find the soap opera family stuff interesting, but only a sideshow and a distraction to the appalling lack of background being bandied as a badge of honor.

  11. Well, I'm not a McCain "supporter", but I would say I am openminded, undecided and neutral in this election and I think it was a huge mistake.  I have some concerns about Obama's experience, but the thought of Sarah Palin being a heartbeat (A McCain heartbeat!) away from being President is scary.  Nothing against her personally - put her in Congress for 4 or 8 years and maybe.... but being a small town Mayor and 2-year Governer of a unpoplated remote state...nope.

    Sadly, as usual, this election is going to be choosing the least of two questionable tickets:  Mr. Stay-in-Iraq for 100 years and invade Iran next, or Mr. 2-years experience as a junior Senator.

  12. I honestly doubt they will.. they somehow still think that Palin was the perfect choice and everyone who doesnt think so is misinformed.... at least that what i hear around here on yahoo answers...

  13. As a black conservative Christian voter for McCain, I was not thrilled with the nomination of Palin because I have my doubts about a woman president in general.

    Besides that,  she appears to be a quite a strong leader for a VP and her youth and inexperience is on the correct side of ticket as opposed to having more inexperience on the top of the ticket as the Dems have decided.  

  14. Mccain simply thought, Oh, heres a girl! Great for attracting Hillary supporters, now I'lll seem like the good guy, and she's a conservative, OK lets choose her!!!"

  15. I can hardly wait for these responses.

  16. I have my doubts about Palin, but these have nothng to do with her family situation.  They have to do with her being a rabid anti-abortionist -- which bespeaks a basic mental deficiency.

  17. At this time I am very enthusiastic about the choice.

    I only hold my cheers in check because not all the "shoes" have dropped as yet.

    Palin is little known and we will learn a lot more., but so far most evidence points to an individual with more executive experience than Obama (though executive experience is not the only factor) and a history that demonstrated great character and an ability to make logical decisions and hold the line on ethics.

    Palin can bring forward her life-long friends to vouch for her character.

    Obama has to hide some of his friends and mentors because they themselves have possibly criminal and anti-American backgrounds. Yet Obama will not renounce them.  

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