
Are there any (NOT online) colleges in the US that offer PARAPSYCHOLOGY??

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The only college that i could find was one in Scotland but i want some in the US preferably in the north east.. Any help would be appretiated. : )




  1. As a major? No, none that I'm aware of. If you're interested in it, you could major in psychology and see if you can talk your way into doing a minor in parapsychology. If you put together a good scientific rationale, you may be able to swing it.  

    Also, you won't make any money in parapsychology, so best to major in a profession that will give you a good income so you can at least pursue parapsychology in your spare time.

  2. You can certainly find a college that offers parapsychology, but it'll likely be labeled under something else. Try "Alternative Psychology" or "Study of Consciousness," or something like that. Anyway, I wouldn't major in it, if I were you, it's not going to get you full-time employment. I'd take it as a minor, or maybe even an elective, and employ yourself in something likely to earn you some money to fund your other interest. ^_^

  3. The fact that it is so hard to find should speak volumes.Despite the claims,parapsychology is pseudo science.It's been studied  for years.There is nothing there.Open your mind to that possibility.With all the interest in it.With so many looking for colleges that offer it.Don't you think it would be offered.After all colleges are in it to make money.

  4. The closest is Franklin Pierce University (fully accredited in the United States) that offers a minor in parapsychology with a major in psychology at the bachelors level.

    Many universities will work with you to create degrees. The University of California Berkley awarded the only US degree to date in magic.

    However, most people that work in the field of parapsychology have doctorate degrees (required for full membership in the Parapsychological Association) in a  conventional field of science (physics, engineering, psychology) and apply those methods and research standards to their work in parapsychology.

    Most people that wish to pursue parapsychology have also done their thesis (masters level) and/or dissertation (doctoral level) on a parapsychology topic.

    Perhaps most famously Carl Jung did his dissertation on the psychological study of a trance medium.

    It is true that some aspects of parapsychology are being taught in programs by other names like "consciousness studies" and "transpersonal psychology" but as others have pointed out employment opportunities are less available with those degrees.

    However, if you want to take a look I suggest

    JFK University

    Saybrooke University

    Institute of Transpersonal Psychology

    The more you know....


  5. Maybe Duke University.  Also try University of California at Davis, ask for the statistics department.  Its usually best to get a regular degree first, with courses in psychology, physics, and statistics.

    Have you read the book Parapsychology and the Skeptics by Chris Carter. It carefully examines both the evidence AND all of the skeptical objections. In the process he devastates the arguments of Blackmore, Wiseman, Hyman, and the rest of the psuedo-skeptics. In other words, the truth is out there.

  6. There are a handful that will offer courses in parapsychology.  There are no universities that offer this as a degree of study.  It's important that you understand why this is the case.

  7. I don't know if they still do, but I remember Duke University pioneered the study of ESP and parapsyhology in the 1960s. I 'm pretty sure they're in North Carolina. You might give them a try. Good luck to you.

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