
Are there any P2P programs out there that can bypass my ISP broadband bandwidth restrictions?

by  |  earlier

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My internet service provider reduces the speed at which peer to peer programs (like limewire) operate at, back down to a measly 4kb/sec. I'd deseperately like to know how to get around this restriction.




  1. daawg your provider blacklisted the ports used by software "(like limewire)" you must go to settings and change the port from 1 to 65535, exactly from 1024 to 65535 . thats happed to me and this is my solution.  

  2. Ugh. Who the frick is your provider? They stink.

    We download 5gigabytes in 2.5 hours and they just don't care.

    I am loving Cavalier --all fiber optics-- more every day.

    What some of these ISPs do is downright criminal. Really.

  3. warning: its illegal

    in utorrent, select to use an encrypted connection setting

  4. Who's your ISP? I've got AT&T and they're pretty quick. Maybe it's your computer?  

  5. Are you sure its your ISP? Set up the PC you use for downloading with a static IP and check all the ports in your router are forwarded it. If your downloading client has encoding, enable it. Aslo tweak the settings in your downloader-start with limiting your upload rate to about 75% of its actual capacity instead of the default full speed.

    I did all this and speeds increased 5fold

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