
Are there any Paranormal Investigators who have never found anything?

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I mean have any been convinced,as I have,that there is nothing there.




  1. I am sure they have.  They probably lie and say they did find something to get paid.

  2. I have never recorded an EVP I thought was worth keeping. I have never taken a pic of a classic ghost (full bodied). I have taken some interesting pics of things that were not there when I was taking a pic. And by the way, I dont get paid for doing anything, and I dont know of anyone else that does. I dont even get gas money.

  3. YOu are not a paranormal investigator and have never looked for anything so sure you wont find anything, duh

  4. I think you are right to be sceptical until you experience something yourself. It's foolish to believe it because someone tells you that you should.

    Try to keep a bit of an open mind. I know its real, and perhaps one day you will too. Meantime you can only believe what it true for you.   :o)

  5. I have many times gone on a ghost hunt and found nothing.  I think allot of people are experiencing something but there is no proof.  Some times we find a logical explanation for what they are having a problem with.  Only about 1 in 10 investigations is paranormal.  And some people are just loony   !

  6. For a REAL paranormal Investigator Finding a real Case is hard. Most of what I get a month are Hoaxes or Termites even. However there are some cases I find The real deal.

    and to answer leoleowyatt, between real investigators is considered unethical to get paid or ask money for our services.

  7. i have been places where the owner swears up and down its haunted, and i find  high emf or the house is built on limestone  and both of these have been know to  have effects on ppl and btw  i never have been payed with anything more then a 6 pack of beer  and  that was from some party kids  other then that i never took  or will take money for it

  8. I've noticed the better the investigative methods, the less likely it is anything is found.  I would imagine that a good investigator, unless he's a true believer or else just really devoted, would give up after a while.

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