
Are there any Potterheads still alive?

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are there any potterheads out there anymore? it seems like since the 7th book came out, people have lost interest in it. if you are a potterhead, reply.




  1. No. They all died of mediocrity.  

  2. I'm still a Potterhead.

  3. I have enjoyed the stories, but we have reached the end; thus, moved on.

    I hope you find what you are seeking.


  4. 1 word


  5. I love the Harry Potter books. I'm hoping that JK will come out with a Next Generation book. All the kids go off to Hogwarts and have adventures of their own. What I really hope is that she will come out with a few books about the other schools. It would be interesting to read about Durmstrang. or Beauxbatons.

  6. Loved the books even read them to my kids, they loved them too.  I'm an avid reader and must keep reading or I will slide into a fog of boredom, but you can only read the same book so many times before you need some novelty.  Blessed be.

  7. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the Harry Potter series, but since having read the final book, well - we know how the story ends, there's nothing new to look forward to, so it was time to find something else to read for entertainment.

  8. I'm still digging the dude with the lightning scar.  

  9. There is nothing left to speculate about.

  10. Harry is now passe.  Tom and d**k are taking his place.  She made a mint off of seven books.  She doesn't need to write any more.

  11. Yep, i sure am!! haha = ]

  12. Oh, I am still a Potterhead, don't you worry. I was looking forward to the new movie coming out this November until Warner Bros. postponed it until July, the idiots.

    You can find tons of other Potterheads out there too, go to websites like Muggle Net and Veritaserum ( There are forums there full of Harry Potter fans.

  13. maybe they are all reading better fiction

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