
Are there any Psyclobis mushrooms that grow in the woods in PA?

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Ive seen online the different variety(s) of "Trippy" mushrooms that grow in other places besides the usual cowfields.Now what I'm wondering is because my freind moved to PA will we be able to find fresh mushrooms up there to eat if I visit.




  1. A good friend of mine is a major in botany and he is asked this all the time. He always responds "eat mushrooms growing wild at your own risk. It could look like the same exact strain and when ingested you find quickly its poisonous and you may die."

    By the way he enjoys mushrooms on a regular basis!  

  2. well i know for a fact that the Panaeolus subbalteatus strain grown in every state as well as many other places. it grows in lawns compost piles and in some places in the woods and is the single most used "magic' mushroom in the world. but i would read up on it because it is very very dangerous to eat a fungi that is unknown to you and you would need to be an expert in order to have a 100% chance of being correct. and if you do eat these and i say you don't, please refrain from taking alot and really be 100% on this. i would rather have you look for this and be sure that look for a random mushroom and have a turn for the worst.

    p.s there is a look alike mushroom so don't go eating one of those

    p.s.s don't die.


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