
Are there any Races of people that you really dislike?

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Because you generalise them as rude etc.

I'm not racist, I'm just wondering.




  1. no, i hate racists equally.

  2. Humans.

  3. I'm not racist and I hate stereotypes, but unfortunately stereotypes are usually true about a race as a whole, but not necessarily about the individual members of that race. But there are some attitudes and habits common to certain races that I strongly dislike, but of course, I treat a person as an individual and not because of the race they are because they can always be different.

    But yea, I dislike certain people but not certain races

    I used too many "buts" in this answer (sorry, random observation)

  4. nope but certain people: yep!

    lol at Jim!! not all Black people are cocky... it don't matter what colour, u are who you are and not all Indians smell of Indian i assume u mean Pakistani/ Indian/ Bengali because you seem the type that can't tell the difference... i am Pakistani btw and i smell good! lol

    (i judged you by your answer.. i don't really know you.. how does it feel like?)

  5. the vast majority of arabs who ive met were very unlikeable,thats the honest truth  

  6. sure is...but I could do without the violation

    So Ill say No, everyone is wonderful and keep Yahoo happy  

  7. Some asian (by asian i mean filipino/chinese/japanese etc) people p**s me off because some of them have an aura about them that they are better than every other race. Blacks, hispanic, whites etc atleast pretend to be nice to every race when these asian people just stick their noses up at every other race except their own. Also the same with muslim arabs, muslim arabs think that all other races/religions are scums and will go to h**l when they die.

    Edit: Please change your profile pic. I loved the joker and im tired of every other person having the frickin same profile pic.

  8. I have had bad experience with people from Colombia, but that's about it...I try to not be racist cuz I've been discriminated before, and it sucks, so, yeah.

  9. Not races, but cultures.

  10. No,i only dislike certain individuals.

  11. i wouldnt say i disliked a particular race but i do dislike & dont agree with some different race beliefs!

  12. jokers...!!

    they spawn so quickly and are h**l bent on world domination, i rest my case.

  13. scum bag gypsies who steal, and have no respect for where they settle, they leave the place a dump and tax payers money has to pay for it to be cleaned up. my husband has been attacked by them in his taxi 3 times, all they want is a free ride because they are to lazy to get a proper job. if they are real gypsies that move around the country for work and stuff like that and are respectful of where they stay then i have no problem but most gypsies in norfolk are just wasters and should be put in prison but the police are to scared of being sewed or accused of racism to do anything about is about time the government put there foot down

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