
Are there any Repubs who DONT like the VP pick?

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I was curious if you dont like her, why, and will it effect your vote?

OR will you vote anyway knowing you dont like her?




  1. Nope I don' tthink you will find a republican who has any problem with her,. !!

    she is outstanding choice beats obama and biden combined !!

  2. She is totally inexperienced and a disastrous pick for a 72 year old man w/ serious health issues. McCain's choice shows he is NOT thinking of America 1st. It shows very poor judgement on his part.

    I'm a registered Republican and will not vote for a McCain-Palin ticket. I hate her position on the environment and attempting to teach Creationism in the schools will only cost taxpayers money from the lawsuits it will engender.

  3. Republicans are trying their best to put their game faces on, but the fact is, Romney or Ridge would have been FAR MORE QUALIFIED!!

    McCain screwed the pooch!

    Republicans trying to prop this woman up because they have no choice thanks to McCain.

    Poor poor Pawlenty. He should have been chosen. He is not happy being passed over for a greenhorn from Podunk, Alaska.

  4. We've been republicans since the Civil War.  I would no more vote for these republican jokes than fly through the air.  Li'l Bushy has the brains of a house cat and he got in there twice!!!  He's no republican.  John McCain might have been a republican once - but he's only l*****g the right boots now.  And that poor wretched lady he picked for VP!!!  Lord in Heaven.  The republicans are all done now - they've told their last lie.

  5. All of my Republican friends and relatives think Sarah Palin is the perfect VP. We are thrilled McCain chose her.  

  6. I'm not a repub.  I'm an independent.  At first, I was not all that excited or crazy about it, but the more and more I research and watch her campaign with him, the more I like her.  MCCain would have had my vote regardless, but now I am very happy.  

  7. I like her and I think she could be a good choice, but I think Romney would have been a better choice. Why? Because out of all of the candidates running for president from either party, Romney had the best economic mind.  The top two issues in this election is national security and the economy. McCain is an expert in foreign policy and national security, and Romney is an expert in the economy. The Democratic ticket does not offer an economic expert (neither Obama nor Biden can claim that), so the Repbulican ticket would have offered a strong economic candidate. As it stands now, neither party offers a strong candidate on the economy.

  8. My husband, who is republican, didn't like Sarah Palin but he said he didn't plan on voting for McCain anyway so it really didn't matter. He plans on switching parties this year.

  9. I like what I've heard so far, but I have not made a judgment yet.  Still, it is troubling that she has not had federal government experience.

  10. No, this choice was the best move McCain has made for the base.

  11. I was shocked for the most part.Disappointed?Somewhat.Will it effect my Vote?No.I would have rather had Romney though.

  12. Republicans are loyal and disipline they wouldn't tell us even if they didn't.

  13. It seems that they are and so are the Dems...Obama/biden '08

  14. Of course not.  They've been ordered by their favorite talk show hosts to like her.

  15. I like her....MOOT point.

  16. No I been writing McCain askig for him to pick her.

  17. i am defiently ok with the choice.

  18. Myself, and all of the Republican friends I have talked to, are satisfied with McCain's choice of Palin.  Some of us might have been hoping for someone else as a 1st choice, but we are not disappointed with this one.  Each of the people who were on the short list had assets and liabilities that they'd have brought to the ticket.  Over all, though, we're happy.  I personally think it was a brilliant choice.  

  19. I don't like it, she is too inexperienced and not enough is known about her, I would have preferred Romney

  20. Republicans don't care who is becoming president. As long as its republican.

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