
Are there any SSRI-class medications like Zoloft and Paxil that are proven to ABSOLUTELY not cause weight gain

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Until recently, I was on Zoloft and I got off of it because I gained a lot of weight on it. Unfotunately, now I'm back to being a chronic insomniac, a problem I thought I'd licked to my overwhelming joy using a combination of the medication and a doctor-created supplementation program for perimenopausal and menopausal women.

Is there anything like Zoloft and Paxil (because I get the lovely package of both anxiety and depression) that is clinically proven NEVER to cause weight gain? FYI, around that time of the month (a week to ten days before, which, when I was younger, was more like 3 days before), the insomnia gets much, much worse, and it's derailing my life.

Anyone know? Yes, I'm also using Google and I will also talk to my doctor, but I wanted to try out the YA community too. Thanks.

Sleepily yours,





  1. Nope...go for Welbutrin

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