
Are there any Summer exchange student programs that take place in Norway?

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I'm in high school




  1. I was an exchange student to Norway a year ago. I spent a whole school year in Norway. Before I went I researched all the high school exchange programs and I didn't find any over the summer. There are programs for a semester or the whole year. I recommend going for a whole year. It was a great experience and I wished it wouldn't have ended. It doesn't cost that much more to go for a year than for a summer. I went through Rotary, but AFS is also a great organization. You could check on their website. I hope this helped.

  2. Yes, there are quite a few summer programs available through the various Norwegian universities, covering a wide variety of subjects from Norwegian language and culture to global climate research to management.

    Rather than try to list them all here, I suggest you check out:


    You'll probably have a more difficult time finding summer programs for high schoolers, since there isn't much in the way of summer school, and it's very common for families to go on extended holidays during the summer months (In July, Oslo is almost empty except for tourists).

    In general, most Norway exchange programs are year- or semseter-long, but there are a few things listed out there, though I can't vouch for any of them:


    - And this one looks very promising, with two programs in (or partially in) Norway dealing with climate change and international peace.  However, for some reason they canceled all their 2008 programs???

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