
Are there any TV shows, that are close to portraying what it is like to work in a hospital, and be a doctor?

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I am in high school, and I would like to become an ER doctor, so I would like to kow if there is anything I could watch that would show what it's like. Also if there are any doctors, can you please tell me what it's like to get into Medical School? Thanks.




  1. I'm not sure if you'll have access to it, but there is a great show called "True Stories from the ER" that is... Well, true stories. From the ER.

    And, ok, this is going to sound dumb, but... I've found Scrubs to be way closer to the truth than House, because it portrays some of the power relationships, ethical dilemmas, the stress the health care workers face and some of the biggest rewards there are. In a humorous vein. In my opinion, House may be factually sound but I've never seen any health care facility run like House', and a physician who behaved like House would have lost his license (and job) a long time ago.


  3. I can tell you right now that I have yet to see anything that gives realistic portrayal of doctors on TV.  I love House, but that show is so innaccurate as far as attitudes and hospital policies and proceedures go.

    If you are in high school, you can go to the guidance counsellor and arrange to do some "job shadowing".  You can go to an area hospital and follow some different professionals around for a couple of days to see what the environment is like.  Good Luck!

  4. The Hopkins show definitely portrays actual life as a doctor..

    My dad is a doctor and my sister is in med school..I will hopefully follow!

    First, load up on your science classes in college and maintain a high GPA...Study HARDCORE for the MCAT and keep trying..its computerized now so it is offered more often than before. Apply to many many schools, chances are you will get rejected quite a bit, but don't become let down, the right school will accept you!

    If youre serious about becoming a doctor, try shadowing local physican in the ER in your town. It will show you what a real life doctor does, rather than watching it on tv! Good luck!

  5. I'm in my penultimate year of med school and I find Scrubs to be the most realistic actually. Completely surreal existence peppered by appletinis, dodgy relationships, being screamed at for being stupid by your superiors and occasionally seeing the odd patient and being asked to fix them.

  6. I've given up on watching TV shows for anything that looks realistic. Emergency medicine is normally not that exciting, so even the semi-documentary type shows edit to make them more interesting.

    Keep in mind that when you get there, 9 out of 10 patients with chest pain will not be having a heart attack, and for every one of those, you'll see a snotty-nosed kid and a couple of tummy viruses.

    Getting into medical school is a lot of anxiety but pretty straightforward. Any college major will do, but you need to make sure you have the requirements. There's an entrance exam called MCAT that you'll have to take, and then there are the applications and interviews.

    For further details on this and more questions you'll eventually have, try this site: .

  7. I want to be a doctor too! I watch shows like...

    House is pretty good, diagnosis x is okay (it's on the more unusual cases)

    Not to many shows on TV are too realistic (like grey's anatomy is a little out there), but I hoped I helped!

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