
Are there any Titanic-themed restaurants in the U.S. serving the same menu items the original Titanic served?

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Well, the restaurant doesn't have to be inside a full-scale replica of the ship. I've seen museums where the ship's interiors - like the staterooms and Parisian cafes - were reproduced, so that should be enough for us, as far as a restaurant is concerned. ; )




  1. You might find some places that would serve it on the anniversary.  I don't think you will find many since the movie is several years old now.

    I don't know if it is still playing but there was a Broadway musical about the Titanic a while back.

  2. Yeah, but they're all just dives. GET IT?

  3. sounds like a bit much for a restraunt..........

  4. that would be a good restaurant to have in the area where it was to dock.

    that's a good idea - you should work on that, I would like to eat there

    I mean I have seen restaurants shaped like boats - It would need investors though and a large clientele, really good cooks


  6. no

  7. google it

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