
Are there any WWII landmines still left in france?

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I'm wondering if there could be any landmines left over in france from world war two. if so, where would they be? if not, were they removed? when? by who? really, anything on the topic of left over WWII landmines in france would be helpful. Thanks.




  1. Yep, there are still WW ll sea mines, bombs and unexploded artillery shells left over too.

    The Allies and the Germans and Japanese, mapped most of thier mine fields both land and sea during the war.

    So after the war, the mines were destroyed.

    But there are always some that went missing.

    In the 1980's on okinowa during construction, they uncovered a cave that had approx 300 japanese soldiers from WW ll along with over 600,000 artillery and mortor shells.

    They couldn't remove the bodies without possibily setting off the shells

    So they sealed up the cave and marked the area, to prevent future construction.

  2. Go and walk around the beaches of France! If you get blown up to kingdom come, then you know there's still mines left behind!

  3. Nobody knows.  An entire tank was found just a few years ago, so it's quite possible there are a few mines left aroiund.

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