
Are there any WWII submarines left that are fully seaworthy that is able to dive and surface?

by Guest56072  |  earlier

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Are there any WWII submarines left that are fully seaworthy that is able to dive and surface?




  1. Try contacting the Naval Historical Center. I have been on some subs that were docked and are now floating museums, but I don't know if they are sea worthy.

  2. Yeah sure, they're called the Canadian Navy... oh I'm sorry... you asked about sea worthy subs.

  3. actually, YES. There have been instances where major drug dealing organizations either tried to buy, or did buy, some surplus subs from Russia to use to run drugs to the USA. I think at least one was caught actively doing that. Pretty slick try, anyway. THey also use old WWII vintage seaplanes, like the PBY Catalina's, to run drugs, and if they're caught, they just ditch the plane, as it's a cheap old thing to them, they can find others like it.

    - The Gremlin Guy -

  4. Probably. A lot of times when our Navy decommissions vessels they are sold to other countries (gutted of all classified things of course) that can't afford or don't have the capabilities to build their own vessels.

  5. I don't know of any left. Here's a link to one that's been restored to original condition. I.E. no changes have been made to accommodate visitors. It's not fully operational however.

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