
Are there any Windows viruses which are spread through mp3 files?

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I had always thought that Viruses were spread only through executable code - i.e. application files, installers or word macros. AFAIK Viruses cannot be spread via data files such as images, movie files or Mp3s (with the possible exception of a Trojan named in such a way as to fool the user into opening an executable). I had heard of Virus hoaxes such as the bloat virus which claimed that mp3 files were infecting computers - however, I thought those were all exactly that - hoaxes.

However, the IT manager at my work (who seems fairly solid, technical knowledge wise) claims that the MP3 files in a library of such files we use for business purposes are infected with a virus and are infecting more files. He is doing a sweep of any unauthorised mp3 files on the system to eradicate the source. Is he right - is there a virus spread through Mp3s?




  1. He is correct. I don't remember the details, sorry.

  2. It used to be that data files were considered immune to viruses, but with the advent of buffer overflow attacks, where more is read into a data buffer than it can hold, writing over what is beyond it, practically any file is now fair game. This is the reason for the continuing security updates for Flash, Adobe Reader, Quicktime, RealPlayer, etc.

    Sorry to report and sorry it exists.

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