
Are there any active groups or forums out there that deal with writing original fantasy fiction?

by  |  earlier

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I'm something of a budding writer, and would like to join a group that actively critiques work of its members, or perhaps a group where there can be a writer co-op for a story of whatever...the genre is mainly fantasy, although i'm open to other stuff. Thanks for your help in advance.




  1. It's great that you love writing. I the only way to locate groups of same interests is to search them in the "search groups" box and if you ever find some, you can read the group description if it suits you. if it does, you can subscribe, if you're already there and it does not satisfy you, you have still the option to leave the group. It's a matter of trial and error.

  2. i agree with cocky!

  3. is really good but i don't think there is there is a main genre. I love to write too and am going to join that website. My friend who is writing a book posts her story on quizilla. Good luck with your writing!

  4. I don't know of a group, but am always interested in reading some fantasy stuff!

    take care

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