
Are there any alcoholic beverages that come in a Capri Sun type of foil pouch?

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That would just be so convenient.




  1. They have margaritas in a little foil pouch that you keep in the freezer and when you get ready to use it you just cut the top off and put it in a glass!They are yummy!!

  2. I was wondering if any come in a bottle shaped like a Taco Bell cup--you know, so it will fit in my cupholder in my car nicely.

    ((((Nolte))))  I love me some boxed wine.

  3. They might, but haven't seen any here on the west coast.

    Note to :  Brilliant Iinz  (1st Answerer)--PLEASE don't drink & drive--that's not Brilliant!!

  4. lol... when I first moved to Sydney a client of mine had an abandoned nursing home ~ I had designed apartments for the site. I moved into the nursing home with my family... the cat had a ward... children's ward, adult central, there was a trampolene ward.... we had 15 bathrooms so we just rotated from one onto the next to avoid cleaning.

    Anyway! Colostomy bags make fantastic beverage bags... you just extend the tube up and clip it to your collar.

    Many a fantastic Doctors and Nurses party was held in that Nursing home... and the kids learnt to roller blade through the corridors.

  5. never doubt "Mad dog" he he

  6. If there are, then that's gotta be the greatest d**n invention since boxed wine.

  7. hmm they did when i was a kid ( i just saw them didnt drink ) but i'm not sure if they do anymore. probably. check out hte liquor store. field trip!

  8. it takes Four ingredients:


    1) a delicious grocery store bought FRUIT flavored pouch

    2) a bottle of rum. preferably bacardi 151

    3) a hypodermic needle

    4) scotch tape


    1)  use the hypo to drain 30cc of rum from the bottle. 30cc is one ounce.

    2) inject it towards the TOP of the pouch. top so gravety pushing down won't strain the entry point.

    3) put a small strip of scotch tape over the puncture mark

    4) turn it over to stirr, even shake if you want.

    5) puncture the straw into the opening, drink, and enjoy!


  9. French Rabbit makes 3 varietals in foil  pouches.  The small ones (500mL) are perfect for when you're on the go.  Plus, the packaging is biodegradable.

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