
Are there any alternative medications other than synthroid that work for low thyroid?

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Are there any alternative medications other than synthroid that work for low thyroid?




  1. check out Armour Thyroid a natural thyroid product that I heard about on a radio program of Dr Ronald Hoffman in NYC

  2. A number of nutritional deficiencies can lead to hypothyroidism inlcuing iodine, iron, selenium, tyrosine, zinc, essential fatty acids (especially omega 3) and vitamins A, C, D and E. You will need a naturopath or nutritionist  to help you determine if you need any of these as some are not safe to self prescribe.

    Some herbs that may help low thyroid function are nettle leaf, blue iris, saw palmetto, kelp, withania and burdock. Again, you would need professional help to determine which herbs are appropriate for your individual case.

    Also, be aware that some foods contain goitrogens which can suppress thyroid fuction if taken in excess including cruciferous veggies (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower etc), mustard, soy and millet. Herbs that suppress thyroid funtion include Lemon Balm, Bugleweed, motherwort.

  3. I would watch the fluoride in water for sure as it fools the body in to absorbing it instead of the iodine it is supposed to be absorbing.

    I would also be taking Australian Bush Flower Essences Old man Banksia to regulate the thyroid (unless the low thyroid is auto immune related (need then to treat the auto immune problems first) could be though the thyroid is low because ofr other glandular problems then I would use ABFE Dynamis (since it also contains Old Man Banksia, might be the better way to give it a good) IF on the hormone supplement do not stop it with out further hormone testing.

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences

  4. Completely cut fluoride out of your diet as much as possible and try to supplement your diet with (safe) iodine.

    Hypothyroid generally comes from fluoride replacing the iodine in the thyroid and making it cease functioning.  (in the old days, the cure for hyperthyroid was to take a bath in fluorinated water, so as you'd expect repeated expose to fluoride can give you hypothyroid).

    Additionally, Chinese medicine has a completely different way of going about solving the problem of a deficient thyroid, and I know quite a few people who have gotten in fixed that way.  However, to do so requires you to find a skilled/good Chinese doctor, and many people practicing these days aren't too good (in other words some research on your own part!).

    Hope that helps.

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