
Are there any alternatives to using hair dye?

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I've heard that you can dye your hair with kool-aid? is that true? other than using hair dye, are there any "home-made" and easy ways to dye my hair?

(and if it helps answering this question at all, i have asian dark hair)




  1. Kool-aid will only work on light colored hair. If you have dark hair, you would only be able to lighten it probably 2 shades with hair dye and besides that you would have to use bleach. There is henna that is all natural and not a regular hair dye (it's powdered leaves) but I don't know how it works on really dark hair, I've never used it.

    Any other household product would be very damaging to your hair because it would involve peroxide or various chemicals. I've heard you can put lemon in your hair and then sit in the sun but have never heard of someone who actually had it work.  

  2. peroxide ive used it on dark brown hair it makes it lighter and its cheap just make sure you us a deep conditioner afterwards  

  3. It won't really work on dark hair.  some of my friends did it and it smells really bad.  And it fades after a while and looks bad.  If you want to dye your hair, you're probablly better off using real hair dye.

  4. Bleach or food colouring

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