
Are there any anesthesiologists out there, with AIM, that know how to work on birds?

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all I've discovered so far is that birds undergo anesthesia through inhalation...the preferred method by (taxonomic?) anesthesiologists and through all the alleged spectacular chemical reactions you can make in books like...dare I say... "The Anarchist Cookbook" ...I just assumed that maybe with the right resources I could figure out this birds fracture without enduring it's shrieks and visa versa, it enduring the pain....Also for someone with the flaw or gift...I'm still deciding, of a concentration deficit such as myself need an environment of utmost tranquility.

p.s. excuse the run-ons for me periods are quite the obstacle so I just keep tripping over my words instead




  1. We put birds to sleep through injection at our office. You need to let a vet take care of any wing fracture.  The wing can be complicated

  2. If you have a pet bird with a broken wing, take the bird to an avian vet.

    If it's a wild bird, it needs a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.

    Check this link for worldwide listings:

    In the US, rehabilitation is regulated by the Federal government and State DNR depts. Services are free to the public, as all native wild birds are protected by federal law.

    There are several sites with listing of rehabbers, although the easiest way to find one is to search Yahoo! or Google for "wildlife rehabilitation + your state (full and abbreviated)". Also search on "DNR rehabilitation + your state".

    You may be able to find a contact for a nearby rehabber through your local humane society, animal shelter, or police department.

    Links are also available on these sites:

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