
Are there any animals besides humans that directly and negatively affect the eco-system?

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Are there any animals besides humans that directly and negatively affect the eco-system?




  1. Right now i can only think of one species that affect the Eco-system directly and negatively! HUMANS !

  2. Nature after millions of years of fine tuning only consists of animals  who are part of the equilibrium ,all have their reasons for existing

    and are components of eco systems

    to remove any one of them  ,has effects further along the food chains,

    if anything goes out of control ,upsets the balance

    Nature corrects the situation with disease,predators or plagues ,maybe even Natural disasters.

    Humanity is the only organism  that ignores Natures law of Harmony ,and breeds and contaminates,and destroys , without restraint .

    Natures reaction to this behaviour is long overdue

    or is it ?????

    we are the only negative affect on the planet to date

    i stand corrected Cows is also true ,but they are an invention    of Man they are not natural animals

    and they abuse their space ,their flat feet compact the ground and they overgraze their pastures into    desserts

  3. cows

  4. cows/cattle...the methane effects the atmosphere...the whole global warming deal. Locusts, eat an entire landscape barren....and finally those d**n squirrels which jump in front of my

  5. Well, ecosystems are in equilibrium with the animals that live in it, the plants that live in it, and the resources that are in it. So, any kind of change would disrupt the ecosystem. So far though, humans are the only ones that have changed tremendously in a relatively short period of time. So in a way, we are the only ones who negatively affect the ecosystem. But we also affect changes with other animals. For example, before Europeans came to America, there were no pigeons on this continent. But, Europeans brought those birds over, and those birds are like flying rats. So they reproduced very quickly and probably decimated the original bird population that used to be in places like New York.

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