
Are there any animals that will introduce their girlfriend or boyfriend to their parents?

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Are there any animals that will introduce their girlfriend or boyfriend to their parents?




  1. I have no clue but this actually interesting. I'm sure there is somewhere.

  2. Are there any animals whose parents whose parents don't let them date before 16?

  3. The spider, then they'll all eat the "catch" together.

  4. Just about any pack animal must have the approval of the patriarch or matriarch in order to be accepted into the pack, so yes.

    We too are pack animals, so it's not a surprise that it's a big deal in our culture that our parents approve of our mates.

  5. Huh? Lol

  6. what

  7. humans, lol technically we are animals, but no

  8. heheheheheheh

    cutest question ever

    other than humans, it's hard to say. Lots of animals don't even remember who their mothers are, once  they've been weaned, and unless they live in one of those big packs with one male ruler, they probably never know their dads at all.

    Maybe some of the  social animals, though, like wolves and toothed whales.

    A lot of times it would be too risky to introduce a male to dad, because they could misunderstand that it's a friendly act and get into a tussle over territory.

  9. LOL funny question i would not know?

    Spiders somebody did note if thats true im sure the male's parents wouldnt be happy once the females eats him!

  10. Chimpanzee are a  very complex group of monkeys

    They fight among themselves ,they hunt their own kind ,lots of expression and pasionate display....!!

  11. only mantled baboons do that stuff.

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