
Are there any areas in Paris to avoid due to crime?

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Are there any areas in Paris to avoid due to crime?




  1. J'aime la vie et la poursuite de la culture et de l'amour

  2. I lived in Paris as a single woman for 2 1/2 years and nothing bad ever happened to me (thin at the time, tall, blond American so if anyone was likely target...)

    I went out at night, came home by public transport, walked the streets alone many times but I was careful to avoid the areas mentioned in previous posts. For the record, I lived in the 17th, near the Arc de Triomphe in a very residential area.

    There are also some central areas which are perfectly safe during the day but deserted at night and therefore, are to be avoided. Certain working districts of the 2nd, 13th and 20th come to mind. Just make sure there are people around!

    Same goes with the public transport. Your biggest menace is actually pickpocketing, not actual violent crime in Paris. Most of the really rough areas in the region are outside of Paris itself. They have exported their "urban" areas to the suburbs!

    Some tips for riding the Métro or RER at night. Get into a car with a lot of people who are not together. Avoid cars with groups of guys. Do NOT look at other people and don't make moves to the door as you approach a stop. I'd read my book and pop up when the doors opened. Also, once out of the train, keep moving with the crowd. Don't stop and mess with your bag, etc. Stay with people.

    While walking the streets, keep looking forward and walk like you know where you're going. Don't let on if you're lost, etc. Cross the street or pop in a café if you think you're being followed. Keep your cell phone handy.

    Yes, the Métro is safer than the RER so keep this in mind. There are a number of reasons. The trains are smaller, more people around and the drivers are closer. Plus, the RER serves some of those dodgy areas to be avoided.

    Use common sense and you'll be fine!

  3. Yes, but they aren't exactly tourist areas, so you should be OK as long as you remember it is a city and act accordingly

  4. Anywhere with a postcode (zip number) beginning 75.

  5. I think the "Banlieu"

    But in the centre you are quite sure .

    Be quite like in every other city

    Pay a lot ttention in the undergroun station Chatelet: it is extremely big and you have to pay attetnion to your bag

  6. I live in a north east suburb of Paris, and there is no security problem in particular. As someone else said, far safer than where you' re used to.

    I won' t quibble with the guy who says it sucks. Fortunately, it's only a quarter of an hour on the metro (subway) to central Paris.

    I once met a couple of American tourists in this suburb. I asked them what on earth they wanted to visit in this neighbourhood.

    They had come here because they thought there was a Picaso museum near the metro station called Pablo Picasso. Wasted journey, but there is a shopping mall (that is not too good either).

    Oh, and if your young or look foreign you should be prepared to be stopped several times by the police to look at your papers.

  7. There are a few areas which are less safe - as has been detailed by the other answers.

    But even these areas are orders of magnitude safer than most big city centres in the USA.

  8. avoid the suburb at all costs. The north and east of Paris is also to be avoided, it sucks anyway.

  9. While Paris proper is generally safe, some of the outlying suburbs are high crime areas. but, as has been said its not likely you would go there anyway.

    The area along the rue St. Denis, a north-south street that is close to Les Halles and the Centre Pompidou can be a bit dicey as it is frequented by prostitutes and some drug dealers.

    The area known as Pigalle in the north of the city is rife with s*x shops and clip joints but looks worse than it is.

    The large park called the Bois de Boulonge is also frequented by prostitutes at night and can be dangerous at that time.

    An area of the 18th bounded by la rue du marché Dejean, la rue des Poissonniers and la rue Poulet. Là is largely populated by Black African immigrants and considered by some Parisians to be unsafe.

  10. as long as you don't get on any of the RER's, you'll be ok. not saying that they're not safe, but they'll take you to the outskirts of paris. and in france, the suburbs(banlieues) are like the inner cities in the u.s. and by no circumstance should you go to any place called a cité(pronounced see tay). they are not safe!

    but aside from that, anywhere in paris proper, which is pretty freaking big, is safe. but its just like here, your common sense will usually give you a prior warning of places where you should not be. the only reason you should have to venture outside paris would be to visit various chateaux(chateau plural), or versailles.

    have fun. and try to learn a little bit of french before you leave. the french aren't too keen on people just coming up to them and asking stuff in english. if you want some phrases that would be most helpful, email me.

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