
Are there any atheists in R&S who hate/dislike their fellow atheists?

by Guest59721  |  earlier

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If yes, take a chill pill.. Ok?




  1. No, i don´t dislike any atheists here

    There are brilliant minds own by many.

    Laptop Jesus just popped om my mind..ahh, i would have to make a list a mile long, including many names/nicks, i´ve met via this forum

  2. I love me some atheists.

  3. I like most of the ones on here. :)  

  4. *huggles*

  5. I dislike many people.

  6. I'm sorry ((

  7. I love my fellowMEN. Yes.

    I will love any man.

    I got to go and rub my nippys.


  8. I find some of Lime Kitty's answers/questions dumb. I don't hate him, though.


  9. Yeh I think there's one here that for some weird reason has it in for me. Care factor of zero though. I have my fans and thems are the ones I care about.

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