
Are there any baby noise reduction headphones for flying?

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Are there any baby noise reduction headphones for flying?




  1. Are they to reduce noise FOR the baby, or to reduce the amount of baby noise you can hear?  Coz I would LOVE some of those!!

  2. I'm not sure that it's noisy enough to need them. You are planning to sit on the inside of plane I hope?

  3. No need for those...just buy first class seats there are no babies in first class so no need for the noise reduction headphones.

  4. IF THEY are for your baby read this article... shows how music an reduces the stress levels of baby's which is perfect for flying.

    IF THEY are for you then BOSE are the best head phones on the market they both improve the sound quality of music and block outside noise, they PERFECT for flying.

    Dont forget to buckle up! lol

  5. Not all children have a problem with the pressure changes in their ears.

    Depending on the age of your child, here are a few things you can do in case your child does have problems:

    For take-offs and landings (the WHOLE way up, and starting from the BEGINNING, or TOP of descent -about an hour before landing), the best ways to alleviate ear pressure are to:

    8If you child is nursing, nurse him/her

    *Give him/her something to drink (formula, milk, water, juice - it doesn't matter)

    *Tell him/her to yawn

    *Give him/her gum to chew

    *Give him/her hard candy or mints to suck on

    *Pinch his/her nostrils shut, have him/her take a deep breath in through the mouth, then tell him/her to (gently) blow as if trying to blow his/her nose

    *Place hot damp towels (usually like the ones distributed to first and business class before take-off and landing to freshen up with - just ask a flight attendant for them) or paper towels that have been soaked in hot water and wrung out, at the bottom of two paper or styrofoam cups, then hold the cups over the ears

    *Gently but with some pressure, rub his/her neck repeatedly from the chin to the base of the neck. This will cause a swallowing motion that will relieve pressure build-up in the ears.

    I've been flying internationally & domestically with my children since they were each 2 months (now 8&6,&6 months). At least three trips a year are the children & I traveling internationally (14+ hours each way) alone. We do another 8-10 international and domestic flights a year as a family. I have never had any problems with my children.

    I wrote a small article about flying with children that goes more in-depth, gives security rules & regulations for the US, EU, UK, & Australia, offers tips & tricks for the travel, etc.

    If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.

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