
Are there any bad parts of Montreal?/Il y a des mauvais voisinages en Montréal ?

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I'm going to Montreal soon and I plan to explore the island. Are their any bad neighborhoods in Montreal? I plan on riding the Metro all around the city and explore the real Montreal. I am from Detroit, so a bad neighborhood is nothing new to me. Thanks!

Je vais allé au Montréal bientôt et j'ai l'intention d'explorer l'île. Sont-ils mauvais voisinages en Montréal? J'ai l'intention voyager le Métro tout autour la ville et explore le vrai Montréal. Je suis de Détroit, donc un mauvais voisinage n'est rien nouvel à moi. Thanks!




  1. Montreal is a very safe city, and you won't see any neighbourhoods that resemble the ghettos you might be used to in Detroit. However, you should, as in any city, keep your wits about you, especially when walking around at night or in crowded areas. Pickpockets tend to target tourists, so try to blend in.

    As for the metro, a weekly pass is $19.25. You can also buy a strip of tickets, six for $12. A 3-day pass is $17. Cash fare is $2.75. You can buy all passes and tickets from the booths at the turnstiles in the station.

  2. you can buy a metro card at any metro station.

    and montreal is not like new york or detroit where you have a really bad neighbourhood (like the ghetto part)

    its all relatively safe but you atill should always be careful. overall its a very safe fun city.

  3. Montreal is a very safe place to travel

    Bus and Métro Weekly Pass will cost you $19.25 you could find all of the info you need at :

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