
Are there any bodies of water in indonesia? if so is there a map i can look at online?

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Are there any bodies of water in indonesia? if so is there a map i can look at online?




  1. A clickable map of Indonesia.

  2. This is a list of the notable lakes of Indonesia. Indonesia has 521 natural lakes and over 100 reservoirs, covering approximately 21,000 km². The total volume of water held is approximately 500 km³. The largest lake, by both area and volume, is Lake Toba in Sumatra. It holds 240 km³ of freshwater, and is largest lake body in Southeast Asia.

    Indonesia has 3 of the 20 deepest lakes in the world - Lake Matano in Sulawesi (590 m), Lake Toba in Sumatra (529 m) and Lake Poso in Sulawesi (450 m). The only lake in Indonesia having a cryptodepression (the bottom of the lake is below sea level) is Lake Matano.

    The lakes and reservoirs supply water for personal and commercial uses, and support economic activities like fisheries, hydropower, irrigation, transport, and recreation. They assist in preventing floods, and are important ecological entities.



        * 1 Sumatra

        * 2 Kalimantan

        * 3 Java

        * 4 Lesser Sunda Islands

        * 5 Sulawesi

        * 6 Western New Guinea

        * 7 See also

        * 8 References

    [edit] Sumatra

    Name  Ã¢Â†Â“ Type  Ã¢Â†Â“ Elevation (m)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Area (km²)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Max-depth (m)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Volume (km³)  Ã¢Â†Â“

    Lake Laut Tawar Tectonic 1,100 70 80 -

    Lake Toba Volcanic/ tectonic 905 1,130 529 240

    Lake Maninjau Caldera 459 97.9 169 10.4

    Lake Diatas Tectonic 1,531 12.3 44 -

    Lake Dibawah Tectonic 1,462 11.2 309 -

    Lake Singkarak Tectonic 362 107.8 268 16.1

    Lake Gunung Tujuh Caldera 1,950 9.6 40 -

    Lake Kerinci Tectonic/ volcanic 710 46 97 1.6

    Lake Ranau Tectonic/ volcanic 540 125.9 229 21.95

    Source: [1][2]

    [edit] Kalimantan

    Name  Ã¢Â†Â“ Type  Ã¢Â†Â“ Elevation (m)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Area (km²)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Max-depth (m)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Volume (km³)  Ã¢Â†Â“

    Lake Sentarum Floodplain 35 275 8 --

    Lake Bangkau Floodplain 10 20 4.5 -

    Riam Kanan Reservoir Reservoir - 92 - 1.2

    Lake Semayang Floodplain 5 120 6 -

    Lake Jempang Floodplain 50 450 6 -

    Source: [1][2]

    [edit] Java

    Name  Ã¢Â†Â“ Type  Ã¢Â†Â“ Elevation (m)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Area (km²)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Max-depth (m)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Volume (km³)  Ã¢Â†Â“

    Saguling Reservoir Reservoir 645 53.4 99 0.93

    Cirata Reservoir Reservoir 200 62 125 2.16

    Jatiluhur Reservoir Reservoir 111 83 105 2.97

    Darma Reservoir Reservoir 670 4 14 0.04

    Sempor Reservoir Reservoir 100 12? 42 0.052

    Mrica Reservoir Reservoir 200 70? 100 -

    Lake Rawa Pening Semi-natural 463 25 14 0.052

    Gajah Munkur Reservoir Reservoir 140 90 136 0.74

    Kedung Ombo Reservoir Reservoir 100 46 90 0.72

    Sengguruh Reservoir Reservoir - - - -

    Lahor Reservoir Reservoir 270 2.6 30 0.037

    Sutami Reservoir Reservoir 270 15 50 0.34

    Wlingi Reservoir Reservoir 163 3.8 6 0.024

    Selorejo Reservoir Reservoir 620 4 32 0.062

    Source: [1][2]

    [edit] Lesser Sunda Islands

    Name  Ã¢Â†Â“ Type  Ã¢Â†Â“ Elevation (m)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Area (km²)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Max-depth (m)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Volume (km³)  Ã¢Â†Â“


    Lake Tamblingan Caldera 1,214 1.9 90 -

    Lake Buyan Caldera 1,214 3.9 87 -

    Lake Bratan Caldera 1,231 3.8 22 -

    Lake Batur Caldera 1,031 15.9 88 -

    Palasari Reservoir Reservoir 66 3? 45 -


    Lake Segara Anak Crater 2,008 11.3 190 -


    Lake Tigawarna Crater 1,410 0.4 60 -

    Source: [1][2]

    [edit] Sulawesi

    Name  Ã¢Â†Â“ Type  Ã¢Â†Â“ Elevation (m)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Area (km²)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Max-depth (m)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Volume (km³)  Ã¢Â†Â“

    Lake Tondano Crater 600 50 20 -

    Lake Limboto Floodplain 25 56 2.5 -

    Lake Lindu Tectonic 1,000 32 100 -

    Lake Poso Tectonic 485 323.2 450 -

    Lake Sidenreng Floodplain 6 200? 4 -

    Lake Tempe Floodplain 5 350 5 -

    Lake Matano Tectonic 382 164.1 590 -

    Lake Towuti Tectonic 293 561.1 203 -

    Source: [1][2]

    [edit] Western New Guinea

    Name  Ã¢Â†Â“ Type  Ã¢Â†Â“ Elevation (m)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Area (km²)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Max-depth (m)  Ã¢Â†Â“ Volume (km³)  Ã¢Â†Â“

    Lake Amaru Solution 250 22 20 -

    Lake Gigi Solution 1,780 46.9 - -

    Lake Laamora Solution 400 62.1 50 -

    Lake Paniai Tectonic 1,742 195.5 50 -

    Lake Rombebai Floodplain 10 149 - -

    Lake Sentani Landslide dam 70 93.6 42 -

    Source: [1][2]

    [edit] See also

        * List of lakes

    [edit] References

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to:

    Lakes of Indonesia

    Indonesia Portal

       1. ^ a b c d e f Lehmusluoto, Pasi; Badruddin Machbub (1997). National inventory of the major lakes and reservoirs in Indonesia. Edita Oy. ISBN 951-45-7237-8.

       2. ^ a b c d e f Lehmusluoto, Pasi (2003). Expedition Indodanau. Retrieved on 2006-12-16.


    v • d • e

  3. go to

  4. Here is a good map -

    4.85% of the area of Indonesia is water.

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