
Are there any body parts that don't have a purpose??

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Like, on a human body. I know about the appendix and whatnot, but are there any other vestigial body parts on a man or a woman that we don't need to survive?




  1. The tail bone has no purpose "These fused vertebrae are the only vestiges that are left of the tail that other mammals still use for balance, communication, and in some primates, as a prehensile limb. As our ancestors were learning to walk upright, their tail became useless, and it slowly disappeared. It has been suggested that the coccyx helps to anchor minor muscles and may support pelvic organs. However, there have been many well documented medical cases where the tailbone has been surgically removed with little or no adverse effects. There have been documented cases of infants born with tails, an extended version of the tailbone that is composed of extra vertebrae. There are no adverse health effects of such a tail, unless perhaps the child was born in the Dark Ages. In that case, the child and the mother, now considered witches, would?ve been killed instantly. "


    Wisdom Teeth

    the plica semilunaris on the inside corner of the eye (a remnant of the nictitating membrane); and, as pictured, muscles in the ear and other parts of the body.

    The gene that makes vitamen C in the body


    And what about the clitoris?

    I personally think thats a very necessary part of a women. Otherwise none would want to engage in intercourse and the human race would die off. End of story.

  2. There are lots of parts we dont need to survive...but most do have a purpose.  Like fingers...we dont have to have fingers to survive...unless you cant live without texting or IMing...LOL...

  3. No, there are no parts of the human body that don't have a purpose.

    There are some that are more important that others. This is the same on any complicated machine. I can remove many parts of my car without adverse affects to its basic function. There are parts in the human body that are similar to that.

    Scientists, looking for evidence for evolution have made a list of over 180 "vestigial" organs. Since then our knowledge has increased and the list has dropped down to only a few. The few on this list actually have a purpose and a function. But do to the fact that evidence is needed to support evolution, the organs have remained on the list.

    Some of these include.

    1. The tail bone. This has a purpose, it has muscles attached to it. It aids in sitting. Although it can be removed, this doesn't detract from its function.

    2. The appendix. The appendix, like the tonsils, was thought to not have any purpose. Now we have learned that both aid in immunity. This is  more so in babies and infants and young children. They use to remove the tonsils for just about any reason, and this was due to the vestigial theory, they have stopped this practice. They have learned that they do have a function.

    3. Body Hair.  Although human body hair will not keep you insulated in -30 degree temperatures, it does have a purpose. The body maintains its own thin biosphere. This helps regulate temp and moisture and protect it from other eviromental fluctuations. It can be thought of like when a dusty car drives down road at 60 miles an hour. Some of the dust does not blow off. It's not that this dust is stuck to the car, it is because there is a thin layer of unaffected air coating the car. Our bodyhair helps in this. Also our eyelashes protects our eyes from debrie. Our eyebrows move sweat away from our eyes.

    We also have more bodyhair in important places where extra protection is needed. These would be in the genital, armpit, and head areas.

    4. Goosebumps. Although goosebumps do not fluff us up to intimidate dangerous opponites. It does provide a good nerve sensation that can alert us of a variety of circumstances, both good and bad. Think of all the times your "goosebumps" kicked in and then think if they were not an appropreate responce to the situation. I thank God I have them.

    I could keep going but I'm sure any open minded person can follow this line of thinking.  

  4. aapendix!!!and to the guy above me, you do too need your freakin tail bone it supports the whole torso of your body!!!but your apendix is totally usless but it can get cancer

  5. There are many that we don't need to survive.  We don't need 2 kidneys, 2 lungs, our tonsils, we can survive with only part of our liver, any appendages aren't necessary, we don't need hair, or eyes, or ears, or a nose...the list goes on

    As for things that have no purpose: Male nipples, and tail bone off the top of my head oh yeah wisdom teeth too.

  6. clitoris doesn't have a purpose for most men.

  7. appendix.

    Completely useless, some people believe that it is a leftover from failed evolutionary rung

  8. tailbone

  9. vestigial organs like

    appendix, wisdom teeth, coccyx or the tail bone.

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