
Are there any books, publishers, authors, or reading lists that speclize in sociology?

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before leaving school i majored in sociology. i would still like to continue my education but iam not willing to drive 50 miles every other day. so do you know of any thing i can use to further my education on my own?




  1. Wow! This is a broad question. There are so many, I do not know where to begin. I guess it really depends on what you are interested in and your level of understanding in sociology. I am assuming you do not have access to any university library systems, right? If I am not correct about this, there is a wealth of information available in sociology journals. I would search using the "Sociological Abstracts" search engine or "JSTOR".  Otherwise, there are some great books about sociology. If you have not read "Nickled and Dimed" by Barbara Ehrenreich, I would suggest that. "No Shame in My Game" by Katherine Newman is a good one. "Stigma" by Erving Goffman is another one. The list could go on and on. I hope this helps.

  2. The company I work for has a whole array of Sociology themed journals ( Go on their website and look under Sociology. There is a lot of free content. Or you can also subscribe to one of our journals.

  3. Giddens specialises alot in sociology

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