
Are there any books or articles about the paranormal written by people who are neither skeptics or believers?

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Seems like there are a lot of people who aren't believers but would like to be..but they aren't skeptics. Do they ever write books etc. about the paranormal (besides ghost novels)?




  1. I think if you rule out believers and skeptics, all you have left is cynics!  Here's how I see it:

    Believer:  Says categorically that the paranormal is real

    Skeptic:  Does NOT categorically say that the paranormal is real or is not real, but expresses some degree of doubt.

    Cynic: Says categorically that the paranormal does NOT exist.

    You can call these three categories by different names if you want, but I still think there are these three categories of belief. I personally am a "skeptic" under this classification, not a "cynic".

    That being said, I think all three kinds of people have written books about the paranormal.

    Edit: People who can "go either way" are the skeptics!  All you need to give a skeptic is the evidence - objective, confirmed, reproducible evidence. I would love to find that something which I consider paranormal is actually real.

  2. the movie called communion with christopher walker based on true events.

  3. Well in fairness I think that all people have at least some bias one way or the other. This true of believers that may be convinced by personal experience and don't look for any other answers as well as for skeptics that refuse to accept evidence that meet the standards of evidence common in science.

    That said I think Harvey J. Irwin's "Introduction to Parapsychology 4th Ed." is a good read that fairly evaluates the evidence for psi phenomena and addresses valid criticisms where parapsychology needs improvements as a science.

    Also, "Varieties of Anomalous Experience" Ed. Stanley Krippner is an attempt to examine such experiences from a psychological/experience point of view rather than from a "prove to me your experience is real" point of view. In that regard it doesn't take sides but studies the people that report such experiences.


  4. Your Library will have most published information.  OR look into the second hand stores for some books that never made it to your library.

  5. Sure.  Look up 'Spook' by Mary Roach.

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