
Are there any books that list all the demons in various religions?

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I guess like a Demon Encyclopedia.

Thanks in advance.




  1. Try this:


    I haven't been able to find an actual Demon Encyclopedia but there are a number of web sites that have this information.  There is one thing you need to keep in mind, depending on the person who put the information together (and their beliefs), some things could be demonized that really aren't demons.  Christians have demonized a lot of things that really aren't bad but that particular entity didn't conform to their vision of "good".  

    Unfortunately, there are people who don't believe in demons, one day they'll come to live outside of their comfy little box!

  2. 777 a book of quabbalistic correspondences by Aleister Crowley, a book of all the world religion`s angels and demons and the parrelels therewith i.e how the different cultures perceive them and that they are all connected. Also the Goetia by S. L Mathers but this is only a compendium of  demons of the western hemesphere or rather how they are recognized in the western magical tradition, a very interesting read it is also pictorial.

  3. There are books out there that writers want you to believe is a demonic encyclopedia... But those books are filled with non-sense........ simply because 99% of all demons existed before this earth did... And as it is written in some of the decent book out there... Many demons can be defeted simply by knowing their names........... That is what the story Rumplestilskin was based on...... I know I miss spelled his name but you get the idea of who I am talking about......... And since all demon are the servants of Satan... But they do not worship him... So there is no demonic religion.... There are only man's made religion that worship Satan and his demonic hord.... And for your historical enjoyment it was a Catholic Priest that thought that reading the bible backwards would create Satan worshiping.... And Satan worshiping has been with us ever since that day... So don't look for any real books that have the real names of demons... For all of those name have been made up by certain members of man-kind period............

  4. There are 4 intelligent God creatures, Man, Angel, Jinn and Satan.

    Demon is essentially Satan that can enter into man body through blood stream to whisper to the heart.

    Jinn is like man and have belief and religion. Satan also whispers into Jinn's heart.

    Satan whispers into Man and Jinn heart suggesting evil doing and diverting Jinn and Man from true belief in religion of Islam. This is the reason why Muslim is attacked in many places, as Satan is the enemy no 1 of Muslim he whispers hard to leaders/ strong man of a country to attack the Muslim.

    In Islam there is no list as it only Satan.

  5. I've read a couple which tried in fifty years.  Not one has been able to do so  without bias, however, so I've never read anything encyclopedic.

    I honestly don't think it's possible, as when you define something as a demon -- well, you might be surprised.  I also don't believe the Yezidis are demon worshippers.

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