
Are there any books written that go into detail about all the "practical skills" the average man will need?

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For example, are there any books that cover all of the major skills the average man should be able to accomplish such as writing an effective paper, learning first aid, changing oil, public speaking, self-defense, relationships, etc.




  1. Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, Brief Edition (5th Edition) (MyStudentSuccessLab Series) by Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, Sarah Lyman Kravits, and Judy Block (Paperback - Feb 17, 2008)

    Storey's Basic Country Skills: A Practical Guide to Self-Reliance by John Storey (Hardcover - Sep 1, 1999)

    What Teens Need to Succeed: Proven, Practical Ways to Shape Your Own Future by Peter L. Benson, Pamela Espeland, and Judy Galbraith (Paperback - Jan 1998)

    Life Skills 101: A Practical Guide to Leaving Home and Living on Your Own by Tina Pestalozzi (Paperback - Jun 15, 2007)

    Traditional Country Skills: A Practical Compendium of American Wisdom and Know-how by Sheila Buff (Paperback - Nov 1, 2001)

    I haven't read any of these, however, they are all listed at  Hope at least one of them will serve your purpose.

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