
Are there any bucks or magic fans in this site?

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Every time I come to this section nobody talk about the Bucks or Magic.




  1. im a magic fan, yea not too many people talk about them on here but ive seen a few fans, never seen a bucks fan before though

  2. im a magic fan, but i like the heat more.

  3. maybee because they both suck *** right now when they get better they will be talked about the magic will be good soon though  

  4. Just about everyone rooting for a team other than the Lakers has joined the Kobe haters club.  You should join us too.  Membership is free and if you do well at this level you will be able to apply for the membership of the National Kobe-Haters Association.

    Besides it's not like the Lakers are a real hard team to hate.

  5. maybe they are not so  good,and nobody mention them. sad.

  6. just wait until one of them gets real good

  7. yeah i dont really c any but yeah thier should be some magic fans out there. HOWARD!!! hes a beast. and idk bout da bucks...they needa get a better lineup....and better jerseys lol

  8. bucks are bullshits. look at their lineup

    magic's dwight howard is only the one being told here. not the whole team  

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