
Are there any buddhist's in india.?

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india is a land where asia's biggest faith buddhism originated from.along time ago the major religion of india was hinduism and buddhism now its hinduism and islam.does any body know what happend to the indian buddhists did they convert to islam or did they got killed by the muslim arab invaders.what did happend to the buddhist faith and the buddhist people of long ago.




  1. Yes, they are. but is a minor compare to Hindu, Baddhism original in Indian, but Indian has too many religion, peope in Indian like the idea of having many gods so therefore they choose indu.

  2. yes I think so

  3. what kind of questions is that? may be all the buddhist lost in the deserts of cameroon... stupid question

  4. Good question, you need to read some history to get a good answer.  Basically, Buddhism is the most peaceful and non-confrontational of all religions, and so it has not fared well when confronted by other "faiths."  Forms of Buddhism are still prevalent in Southeast Asia (Thailand etc.).

    Hinduism pre-dated Buddhism in India; the Buddha was raised in Hindu culture.  Kindof like the way Jesus was raised in a Jewish culture.

  5. yes there are many buddhists in india.

  6. Yes a few though i never seen one!

  7. Yes.  There are still many buddhists in India.

    Please check the following link for details:

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