
Are there any buttons you can press when you call radio disney so you can get through?

by  |  earlier

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i always try to call Radio Disney but it usually is busy does any one know any certian numbers to press to get through and block off all the other callers?




  1. No there aren't any buttons you can press.

    Let me give you some info about radio disney Ok.


    Me and my friend one night stayed up from 5 pm to 4 am trying to call radio disney. I swear we must have called over 100 times! We always got busy signals and sometimes it would ring and hang up. Then we got that robot a few times that lets your request the songs.

    I thought it was hopeless that we would ever get through to radio disney. I live on the east coast so i thought maybe its for only people in the west.

    Then just last night actually me and my friends were all awake at 11:32 pm and I dialed radio disney. It rang about 5 times and then a lady picked up saying "Hi Radio Disney"

    we were so excited.

    Then she asked us our names and ages.

    After that she put music on from the radio that we could hear through the phone soon Brian the DJ picked up and started talking to us. At the end he told us we'd be on in about three minutes so listen up.

    It was pretty cool.

    So anyways there isn't a button you press you just have to be lucky!

  2. nope just keep trying and eventually you will get through....Try not at their busy hours...morning or lunchtime.  good luck

  3. No magic buttons. Just luck and whether they are in a phone answering mood or segment. Keep trying, especialy when they are soliciting songs. Good luck

    -a guy named duh

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