
Are there any car repair garages in the Rugby Warwickshire area looking for a mechanic ?

by  |  earlier

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I ask on behalf of my son . He is eighteen years old and has worked in a garage for three years.he has been to college for 18 months and can solve problems with all makes and models of cars, there is nothing he cannot fix. He is taking driving lessons at the moment and will have no trouble passing his test. The owner of the previous garage where he worked will be happy to provide him with excellent references. He is hard working reliable and honest. In his last job he worked unpaid for three days a week for the first year while still at school in order to learn. He has built up a large collection of tools. If anyone is willing to give him a chance you will find that he is a great asset to any company




  1. hi i cant help realy but just a thought...........maybe you should type up a c.v for him on the computer print loads of copies and then go to and it will bring all the garages in your area up with the addresses. then post them all off. i did this to get my previous job and got a few calls back and interviews.

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