
Are there any careers in weather or cloud study that does not involve math?

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Are there any careers in weather or cloud study that does not involve math?




  1. NOPE!

  2. I would say the simple answer is, "no".

    In order to understand the mechanics of cloud physics, you have to know math.

    In order to be hired by the National Weather Service at the present time for a weather position, you must have at least a BS degree from an accredited school that includes a full calculus series including ordinary differential equations, calculus based physics and a full course in meteorology that is also calculus based.

  3. well actually it really needs good mathematic.. but as i know:

    -.  broadcast meteorology doesn't need too much math..

    -. weather observer usually requires less math but this job may pay lower, very competitive.. and has no challenge (for me it isn't interesting at all)

  4. The only career where you can get by without studying or using math would be in broadcasting.  Many broadcast meteorologists are not even degreed meterologists.  Either that or they received the bogus 2 year certificate from Miss St. (you can google that to learn more)

    Anyway, you could go thru journalism with a minor in MET and find a way on to some weekend gig with small town USA paying you 10 bucks an hour.  I would recommend passing that up and either working real hard to get a B.S. in Meteorology or Atmospheric Sciences at an accredited University or considering other careers.

    As for any study of clouds or cloud physics, you will never find a way to avoid math in this subject.

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