
Are there any charities focusing on litter?

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I have a project in school where we have to make a campaign about how to make the world more sustainable place. I'm going to raise raise money and give it to a charity that try to do something to stop people from littering. (I would prefer it if the charity focused on how litter can affect animals but I don't mind.)




  1. I don't know about the UK but watershed associations in the US often have stream cleanups and remove tons of litter from the streams and streambanks. Perhaps you could find something like that.

  2. EnCams runs the "Keep Britain Tidy Campaign"! Google them for more info. Indirectly, most environmental groups campaign on litter, CPRE and Friends of the Earth. The Marine Conservation Society have a strong emphasis on litter and the effects on marine mammals as well as fish.

       Good luck!

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