
Are there any charities that accept gently "used" stuffed animals?

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Im cleaning out my old room since I will be redoing it shortly. When i was younger i was quite the stuffed animal collector and im positive i have over 200! Some are still very nice, a lot of TY beanies and fao teddies. I would absolutely not just throw them away but around here i havent been able to find anywhere that will take them. The hospitals wont on account of germs, and our goodwill wouldn't take them either...i hate having them just sit there in bags when i know they could be making a child happy. Does anyone have a charity that accepts gently used stuffed animals that I could look into? Thank you




  1. Check your local area for an independent thrift shop run by a hospice or other charitable group.  They would probably love to have your donation , but only if they come from a non-smoking home.  (Unfortunately, a lot of well-meaning donations cannot be used because they are smoke-damaged.)  If you cannot find a local organization to accept it, try selling your collection on ebay & then donating the money to your favorite charity.

  2. You can try contacting a womens' shelter.  Many women go in with children.  Have you tried calling your local Dept. of Children and Families to see if they need any, or if any foster parents could use them?  If all else fails, you can try giving them away on  I know it isn't a charity, but you would at the very least be able to find a good home for them.  Good luck!

    It looks like there is actually a specific charity for this.  Contact them!

    You can also send your toys to Iraq.  The soldiers give them to the Iraqi children (which they absolutely love).  They don't have a lot, and the kids appreciate anything and everything they get.  To look into that, check the third link.

    Unfortunately, every day in America many children are caught in traumatic, emotional, and transitional situations. That's why in 1997 Cammie Sanders, 2002 Ms. Florida US Continental founded Stuffed Animals For Emergencies (SAFE), to give these children a little joy during these troubling times. SAFE volunteers collect new and gently used stuffed animals and toys to be redistributed to Police, Fire & Rescue, Ambulance Services, Children's Homes, Hospitals, Life Flight, and other emergency organizations. These emergency organizations use the stuffed animals to ease the children's nerves and calm their fears. These donations let the children know you care and give them hope in a world that at times seems so very cold.

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