
Are there any cheaper options for fuelling a piston powered twin engined plane? Fuel prices are scary!?

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Are there any cheaper options for fuelling a piston powered twin engined plane? Fuel prices are scary!?




  1. No, unless you vote the Republicans out. Hopefully they have ended two myths in the last seven years. #1. They are best at fighting wars, #2. They are good for biznesss.........Maybe the Energy bizness. Nothing else....

  2. Diamond Aircraft has a twin engine diesel powered aeroplane. Many homebuilt aircraft can be flown on 'street gas'.

  3. depends on the aircraft.  several older aircraft can run 80/87 octane (a.k.a. MOGAS) and there are many many Supplemental Type Certificates available for singles, although I don't know about twins.

    The Thiebert 1.3 Centurian diesel is pretty revolutionary, although it comes at a price and Jet-A isn't all that much cheaper than AVGAS.

    So, all in all, not really.  Better leaning techniques and high altitudes are your safest bet.  Don't be afraid to pull it back to 65% or even 55% power for a short trip.  At low altitudes we often lean the mixture about half way on the ground. and I read an article years ago in AOPA Pilot about a group of guys who STC'd a system that allowed you to lean PAST peak rpm.  At the same time they installed it on the aircraft they taught you the technique to work with it.

    Just remember to always operate in accordance with the POH.  I'm with you...this is getting WAY too expensive.  Look on for fuel prices and don't be afraid to go to the satillite airports for cheaper fuel.  Class C and D tend to be more pricey.

  4. Bio fuel?

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