
Are there any christian churches in Guanajuato, Mexico?

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as in purely the christian faith, not catholicism.




  1. Since Mexico is a Catholic country I`d say yes !!!!

  2. Yes there are, but I am not sure whether they are just tourist attractions.  Try this site.

  3. Dunno, but I'm sure there is...may the Lord find the right church for you.

  4. probably not, as Mexico is 99.9% Catholic, but the Lord welcomes all, so don't be shy;)

  5. I think you'll find Catholicism is Christian??  Indeed any faith that believe's the Jesus Christ was the son of God would be  Christian.  As an outsider looking in (atheist) I would think Catholicism would be the purest stem from Christianity seek Peter was the Corner stone of the faith and was indeed the first Pope??

  6. Yes there are and they are wonderful.

    here are just a few of my favorites. Good luck and peace be with you.

  7. Yes there is.

  8. Yes. In fact all of the churches in Guanajuato are christian. Most of them are hundreds of years old.

    "Purely christian, not catholicism." That's a very confusing phrase. Hmmm I keep thinking about the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Westminster Confesssion and don't see how that phrase fits in.

    Below are links to the two protestant churches in Guanajuato that have websites. Hope you consider them christian.

    Dios te bendiga.

  9. To Catholics, there is the only true Christian faith, thier's and YOU are the un-pure or heretic!  

    Look I'm NOT a Christian myself, but its bad enough to put up with your kind of religious intolerance and hatred in daily life, we really don't want it in Yahoo!Answers, OK. Maybe a KKK website would be more appropriate for you................

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