
Are there any christian vampires?

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no, i'm not crazy ;]




  1. I am a Christian as well as a sang/psi hybrid.

  2. Yup!  I know of ONE catholic psychic vampire.

  3. ask yourself...what is a vampire?

    then answer your question

  4. well considering christians are real and vampires arent...

  5. There are Catholic vampires.  They ring the bell before they drink blood

  6. In the movie Dracula 2000, near the end of the movie, Dracula was revealed to be Judas Iscariot, the Apostle who betrayed Jesus, the only way to kill him was to hang him!

  7. NO!

  8. Yes. Ask this question on most real vampire forums and you'll find several. Real vampirism is a metaphysical condition that doesn't care what race or religion somebody is.

    The Vampirism & Energy Work Research Study (© 2006 - 2008), sponsered by the Atlanta Vampire Alliance, surveyed over 600 self-professed vampires from all over the world. Preliminary charted data shows most self-identifying vampires are Pagan or occultist (Wicca as most common), but Christian is the next major religious grouping, slightly above Native American and Shamanic.

    - P.

  9. Well, they are a pain in the neck.

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