
Are there any clinics/workshops for preschoolers that promote self esteem,confidence and vocal lessons?

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I would like find something that my neice(3yrs old) could attend on

somewhat a regular basis.




  1. How about Music and Movement classes?

    Children this young cannot be "taught" confidence, self-esteem etc. It is something that comes with time, and experience. But, you can easily provide her with experiences that will help build these things.

    Spend time with your neice. Have her help you in the kitchen, around the house. Giving kids special jobs to do, and praising them for their effors is a great way to boost self-esteem and confidence.

    Read with her, and ask questions about the book. For instance, ask her "How many bunnies are on this page?" or "What do you think will happen next?" These will really help with vocal skills.

    I would highly recommend music and movement classes. These are a wonderful experience for kids. The benefits of music education with young children are amazing:


    Self Expression

    Memory Skills


    Social Interaction

    Fine Motor Skills


    Problem Solving


    Goal Setting


    Music Playing


    Family Involvement

    Self Esteem



    Family Interaction

    Parent/Child Bonding

    Emotional Development

    Voice Expression

    Check out this website for more information

    They also have a "teacher locator"

    Good luck

  2. I don't know that there are any clinics/workshops that specifically target self-esteem in preschoolers. But ANY program geared to the preschool child has built-in self-esteem concepts. Young children rarely suffer from poor self-esteem, as poor self-image, self-hatred is a learned response.  My concern is this, why would you feel a preschool child need his/her self-esteem and confidence boosted.  As far as vocal lessons are concerned, most three year olds are just learning to articulate in a fluent manner. I would caution you to allow you niece to simply be a typical 3-year old child. Do not try to force her into a mold of what you or any other adult thinks she should be. Piajet taught, and most child care professionals believe, that "Children learn through play".  Not coersion. Not force. Not intimidation. The young child is naturally curious, and will seek out knowledge if it is presented to them in a fun way, and they will let you know where their interests lie.  Please take what I say to heart. I'm not attacking you, my interests in solely in the welfare of the child in question.


  3. I don't know of any but if you find out, let me know!

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