My tank looks pretty bare right now. There are two dojo loaches in there also, but if I need to move them then I will. I'm looking for something that will be active and brighten up the tank, but not kill the eel/bichir or get eaten by them. It doesn't have to be cichlids if they're too aggressive (would peacock and electric yellows be ok? I'm getting various answers for how aggressive they are), but something like platies, swordtails, and guppies are too small and will be eaten by the bichir eventually.
Angelfish are pretty, but not very colorful. Rainbowfish are ok, but the ones in the petstore aren't very brightly colored. Will they get better eventually? Since most petstore fish are domestic bred instead of wild caught, the pH, water hardness, etc of any suggested shouldn't be too much of a factor unless it's like off by 0.5 or for delicate fish, like discus. Tank is currently around 7.4-7.5ish, it has a sand substrate with driftwood and plants. It's 55 gallons (yes, I know it'll be too small for the fire eel once he's bigger, so he'll be moved into the 125 later, but for now, 55 it is, since he's still pretty small and I don't want the big fish in there to pick on him.) All suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks!