
Are there any comprehensive sources for Chinese anatomy and herbal medicine?

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Looking for a more holistic approach to understanding the body. For example, what does it mean when the kidneys are hot (yin and yang imbalance, but what exactly are the details of this imbalance?)

If anyone can direct me to any and all sources that help understand health and healing from a Chinese perspective or even a western perspective that doesn't rely on drugs and evasive measures to heal the body but is nonetheless effective.




  1. With out trying to do any spamming, please go to this website:

    Dr. Tei Fu Chen is a master herbalist and his wife is a western Doctor.

    You wanted something on the Chinese perspective and western perspective.  That website mentions yin and yang.

    Through them I have learned that medicinal herbs and man made vitamins take over your body functions, weakening your system.  Whereas food grade herbs work with your body to heal it.

    These books are great:

    "Eat to Live" Joel Fuhrman, MD

    "The China Study" T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M Campbell  II

    I hope this helps.

  2. Whew, that's a hard one.

    First off, if you want information on chinese medicine, I know a few good books on the subject, but there's an incredible shortage of quality information on it.  If you want to give me your email, I can send you a term paper I wrote explaining most of the details of chinese medicine.  That's probably your best option.

    For things besides chinese medicine, basically you can find the following types of websites

    conspiracy theory oriented ones which explain how and why allopathy is pretty bad and intentionally choose to use bad expensive treatments.  There are tons of these, some are good some are bad.

    If you want a good general database on simple naturopathic practices and some health information which should be common sense but isn't very available, is a very good bet.  I started here, and it gave me the understanding/framework to be able to work with a lot of other stuff.

    Beyond that, there are about 20 or so methods that exist which get decent results (and fall under the umbrella of alternative medicine), which each will have websites detailing how they work and what they're based off of.  If you have a specific one in mind, I can link you to the best authority I know on that subject.

    Hope that helps!

    Get back to me if you want that paper.

  3. What is chinese anatomy?  I once had a gross anatomy professor that was chinese.

    As far as holistic healing.  If you want to go into it then by all means go all the way.  Dr Overman has tapes and other materials.  You can also see his videos on Youtube.  I think you will be impressed.

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