
Are there any consequences for publicly displaying an Anti-EU image?

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Now the EU Constitution has been signed by Brown,maybe I should show "solidarity" to the Evil EU Empire?




  1. If british people think that the EU is not convenient for UK I don't understand why the british prime ministers always sign all the treaties...., I guess that in the end it is not so bad.

  2. ha ha good one. i must admit iv thought of doing this one my self. good luck if you go for it.

  3. Display and be proud to wear your Heart on your sleeve.

    Don't BROWN nose to the EU heap of dung!!

  4. Pichurri - the reason the stupid British Prime Ministers keep signing the treaties is because they don't care what the British people think.  they just do what they feel will benefit them.

    If I had my way we would LEAVE the EU and send all the EU migrants home freeing up some jobs for our own people in the process.

    UK out of EU!!

  5. Give it time. I think, judging by the general apathy and/or indifference seemingly shown by the British public, most people would probably think you're a crank anyway.

    Seriously though, I take your point and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if pressure was brought to bear on us all to comply with the EU for we are all one big happy family now. Resistance is futile.

    *Edit - see next answer. I rest my case.

  6. i detest the EU and shout from every hill side that it is suicide for our country. we now have to take on one million African immigrants and even after that we no longer have the right to close our borders. i see tony blair and gordon brown as traitors to the British people. i also think they should be arrested and tried for treason. and i don't give a toss WHO knows how i feel. neither should true to how you feel.

  7. Evil EU Empire? what about the "perfide albion"? (that's how we call the country of our "friends", the british)

    We are happy in EU, because we are not the state number 51 of the US. What about you?

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