
Are there any cruises that I can take that will not require me to have a pass port?

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I am getting married next year and neither my fiancee or I have pass ports. I figured a cruise would be a great idea for a honeymoon but don't know if there are any that don't require us to have them. I know that the rules changed as of Jan. 1, 2008. Any information would be helpful.




  1. Nope. Sorry. AS of 2008 you need to have a passport for ALL cruises even if they don't leave the US.  You use to be able to use a passport or a birth certificate for an ID but now its all passports.  But its really easy to get one.  Just apply at the post office and take the picture at a local walgreens or costco.  You should get it in a couple of months.

  2. yes as long as you dont leave the u.s.

    or you can get a passpord

  3. What nationality are you? American? Try a cruise from L.A. or

    Seattle to Hawaii. Or you can cruise the East coast in the fall  from like New York City to the South and see the fall colours etc. If you are Canadian you need a passport if you are going to fly and usually you have to fly to get to a port to cruise.The cruises on the East Coast

    usually hit an American port so you are screwed there and the ones

    on the East coast hit alaska so you are also screwed there.

  4. All ocean cruises spend time in International Waters, so you'll need a passport after June 09.  Everyone should have a passport - and it's really easy to get.  You've got plenty of time before your wedding.  Just bite the bullet and get your passport - then you can go ANYWHERE without worries.  Well, anywhere on a cruise, I mean.

  5. Cruises are actually not requiring passports until June 2009 at this point.  Of course, that could be pushed out even farther as it has been already many times.  So, if you are both US citizens you can go on any cruise that departs from the U.S. and not be required to have passports.  However, valid driver's license and birth certificates are required.  

  6. umm no?

  7. Yes. you can go on a Hawaiiann cruise. check out ncl pride of america.

  8. If you're both American citizens there are lake and river cruises you can take that don't require a passport. But since you're not getting married until next year, is there any reason you can't get your passports before then?

  9. Actually you will NOT need a passport until next summer (2009) so you can go on just about any cruise until then.  If you are not going on a cruise until next year you have plenty of time to get a passport.   Right now you can go without a passport and justl have to bring your birth certificate, as proof of citizenship, and a photo ID, like a driver's license, school ID, work ID, as proof of identity. The rules requiring that everyone traveling out of the country on a cruise ship to absolutely have a passport do not go into effect until the summer of 2009 (next year). So you have time to meet the new requirement which will go into effect then.

    Passports are issued by the US Passport Office which is a part of the US State Department; the cost is $100.00 and its good for 10 years You can start the process by going to the US Passport office web site

    and print off a copy of the application, go to a travel agency, an AAA office or any place that does passport photos, maybe even Wal-Mart and get two passport photos. Then you will need a certified copy of your birth certificate to accompany your application. And finally you mail the application, passport photos, copy of your birth certificate and the fee for the passport which is $100 for adults to the US Passport Office. The normal processing time is about 4 to 6 weeks. If you live in one of the cities with a Regional Passport Office you can call and make an appointment and get your passport in 2 weeks. Check this page :

    So you and your fiancee have plenty of time to get a passport and you should get one because after next summer you will need one every time you leave the country to go on vacation.  After then the only places that you can go on vacation to without a passport will be the US Virgin Islands (St Thomas), Puerto Rico, and Hawaii.  You can go to those places now without a passport.

  10. You got a couple of right answers.  Passports are NOT required for cruises to the Caribbean region until June 1, 2009...and if the cruise begins and ends in the most do...even then they won't be needed.  See site below.  Some cruise lines like you to have a passport so call and ask their policy.  But, they are not required by law.

  11. i think you will find that the shipping companies require your passport on all cruises in international waters, check out this site, very helpfull.

  12. You don't need a passport until june 1st 2009 to take a cruise,all you need is a birth certificate and a photo id

  13. For SOME domestic cruises (US, Canada & Mexico only), you can do it with only a driver's license for now, but passports will be required starting June 1, 2009.  See this on Royal Carribean's website at link below.  If you are cruising before then, double check with the CRUISE LINE to verify you can take a certain cruise without a passport, don't trust a travel agent with this question if you use one (no need for one since it's easy to book online).  Otherwise, you guys have tons of time to get a passport, start now.

    Suggestion learned by experience!!!! - Leave everything in your maiden name, including plane tickets, cruise reservations, driver's licence and passport, until after cruise, it is difficult if all documents and reservations don't match up & you won't have time to change them all before the honeymoon.

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