
Are there any cubs fan out there other than myself that would love to see them win a world series real soon!!!

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Are there any cubs fan out there other than myself that would love to see them win a world series real soon!!!




  1. I'd love to see Cubs-Tigers in the World Series. Unfortunately the Cubs have to play games in August through September. Hopefully they won't implode, they sure su_c_k_ed against the DBacks last night.

  2. is there any fan out there that doesnt want their team to win a world series soon???? dumb question

  3. the cubs STILL suck and they wont win a WS in the next 160-170 years

  4. Hey Chicago What Do You Say, The Cubs Are Going To Win Today! Bleeding Cubbie Blue!

  5. I highly doubt they will.

    All I can say is look forward to the next millenium...

  6. Yes!

    I'm a devoted Red Sox fan, but this is the Cubbies year.  Its personal for me; my uncle, Lennie Merullo, played shortstop for the Cubs the last time they were in a World Series (1945) and he's 91 and fading.  This has to be the year, Cubs, it HAS to be.

    I think, as a Red Sox fan, that 2008 will be Chicago's 2004.

    Go Cubs, please.....

  7. What Cubs fan wouldn't want to see them win the World Series this year?

  8. They are going to choke again, it has already started.

  9. HECK YES!!!!!!!!!!

    although after the beating I saw at the game yesterday against the DBACKS.... not looking good.

    None the less, GO CUBS!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Well no sh**, what good fan of a team wouldn't?

    The Cubs aren't gonna win though, so don't hold your breath.

  11. This is the MOTHER of all next years

  12. I would give anything to see the Cubs win the World Series just once in my lifetime.

    If the Cubs do win the World Series, it will prove to me that anything can and will happen if you believe and stay faithful. If they don't win it this year or next... then there is no God.

  13. I would, but not if Steve Bartman has anything to do with it. You better keep him of the field.

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