
Are there any culinary schools in Baguio?

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Schools in Baguio that offers Culinary Arts and Baking...




  1. College of St. Benilde has a Center of Culinary Arts,

    ISCAHM (Intenational School for the Culinary Arts and Hotel Management)

    ICAC- International Culinary Arts Academy of Cebu


  2.  is that depEd accredited? please reply asap. 

  3. in UB they offer CULINARY ARTS there  its for 2 years and for all i know and what i've heard it's one of UB'S BEST offered course .

  4. Is Baguio Culinary Arts and Training Center a good Culinary school like the ones in manila?...

  5. is Baguio Culinary Arts and Training Center TESDA-accredited?

  6. There us a newly established Culinary Center in Baguio located at Nevada Square near the gate of Camp John Hay it called Baguio Culinary Arts and Training Center

  7. are there any culinary school in baguio city?

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